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Welcome to the OVERBOOKED side of the book world where we stay up way too late reading our steamy fairytales.

Hey there! I’m Brittni.

Let’s set the clocks back to 2020 - I’m a stay-at-home mom/PhD student and the world shuts down. My kids are home (but my hubby still has to go into work) and I’m trying to figure out how to balance school, lecturing, and kids at home 24/7. Yeah, you know how that was… Well, I decided to find some “homeschooling” resources our local library (sorry, I have to stop here and laugh a bit at myself because homeschooling was a very loose definition of what we did) and happened to stumble upon the virtual romance section. Now, I have been a long time reader - of just about anything fiction and nonfiction - but had never really gotten far into steamy romance. You know, the good stuff we talk about on the daily now. One thing led to another, and before long, I was consuming one book per night. That’s not a joke at all. I’m pretty sure Bertha at the library was winded picking out new books for me on the daily.

Fast forward to 2024 - I’m still here, in Romancelandia… not reading as much (actually I take that back, not reading as many “fun read” books as I was) and still loving it. In the past 4 years, I went from mass-consuming anything my little library had, to Amazon book deliveries weekly, to beta/ARC reading for some of my favorite authors… to, now, being fortunate enough to work with some of my favorite authors. Basically, I’m living the dream and I’m grateful, every single day, that I get to call it all work!!